Can newcomers to Ontario drive with an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) or a valid driver’s license from their country?

If you are a permanent resident, with a valid driver’s license from your country you can drive for 60 days. You need to have the certified translation of your driver’s license or your IDP if your driver’s license is not in English or French. You need to get an Ontario driver’s licence within 60 days of moving to Ontario. However, please note once you take the G1 test, you cannot drive or rent a car in Ontario until you pass your G2 or G test.

If you are a visitor, however, you can drive with a valid driver’s license from your country for 90 days. If you wish to drive for more than 90 days, you need to get an IDP from your country before coming to Canada.

Please note that IDPs issued in Canada are not valid for driving in Canada.

Works Cited

“Drive in Ontario: Visitors.”,

“Is the International Driver’s Permit (IDP) Valid in Canada?” Settlement.Org | Information Newcomers Can Trust,